Silver protects the food and water from harmful bacteria, it helps protects your body against unwanted bacterial infections originating from consuming infected food and water. This leads to healthy and stronger immune system.
Silver is a natural metal and therefore, Utensils made from Silver are natural and non toxic in nature. Unlike other metals and materials that contaminate the food when heated, due to the chemical reaction and chemical composition, food stored and consumed in Silver utensils is safe from these harmful chemicals.
Silver is a good conductor of heat and as a result, silver utensils have a cooling effect on the body that further smoothens digestion and helps improve the body’s metabolic system.
According to some studies, food or drink stored in Silver vessels and utensils last for longer periods. Silver due to its anti microbial and anti bacterial properties kills the micro organism trying to grow on the food making it stale, resulting in fresher and healthier food.
Silver is a good conductor of heat and as a result, silver utensils have a cooling effect on the body that further smoothens digestion and helps improve the body’s metabolic system.
According to some studies, food or drink stored in Silver vessels and utensils last for longer periods. Silver due to its anti microbial and anti bacterial properties kills the micro organism trying to grow on the food making it stale, resulting in fresher and healthier food.
Utensils and vessels made from other materials lose their value instantly the moment you buy them from the market. They can seldom be sold in market are not a store of value or wealth. However silverware has a unique benefit that at the same time as you are enjoying the beauty, class, opulence and health benefits, you are also adding to your heirloom that can be passed on to generations. There is no other utensil or vessel that maintains its value against inflation over time and in most cases increases in value.
So it can be concluded that not only does Silver ware looks classy, opulent and beautiful as compared to utensils made from other materials like glass, ceramics or plastics, they also have great amount of health benefits which does not exist for the other types of utensils. Silverware also has a unique benefits that it is also a store of wealth and value and protects your household against rampant inflation as they can always be sold at the market value of silver. No other vessel made from other materials has this property and can be used as such.